Smartwatches vs Fitness Trackers

October 05, 2021

Smartwatches vs Fitness Trackers - Which One Should You Choose?

Wearable technology has come a long way in recent years, and smartwatches and fitness trackers are now more popular than ever. While both devices have similar features, such as heart rate monitoring, activity tracking, and smartphone notifications, they differ in some significant ways. In this blog post, we will compare smartwatches and fitness trackers to help you decide which one is right for you.


Smartwatches are essentially small computers that you wear on your wrist. They are designed to be an extension of your smartphone, allowing you to receive notifications, make calls, and send messages without having to take your phone out of your pocket. Smartwatches also offer a wide range of health and fitness tracking features, including GPS tracking, heart rate monitoring, and sleep tracking.

Pros of Smartwatches

  • Advanced features like music playback, voice commands, and mobile payment options
  • Large, vibrant touchscreen displays
  • More app choices - access to both fitness and non-fitness apps
  • Better battery life than fitness trackers (some models last up to two weeks)

Cons of Smartwatches

  • Higher price point – can cost upwards of $300
  • Bulkier design
  • Battery life is not as good as standard watches

Fitness Trackers

Fitness trackers are designed primarily for tracking physical activity and promoting a healthy lifestyle. They typically feature sensors that monitor movement, like steps taken or distance traveled, and heart rate. They also often track sleep and calorie burn. Fitness trackers are perfect for people who are focused on improving their fitness level and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Pros of Fitness Trackers

  • Typically cheaper than smartwatches – starting at $50
  • Sleek, lightweight design
  • Long battery life (some models can last up to a week)

Cons of Fitness Trackers

  • Limited features: lack advanced features such as texting or music playback
  • Limited app selections - mostly fitness-driven
  • Smaller display often without touch screen capability

Which Should You Choose?

So, which one is right for you? It all depends on your needs and goals. If you are focused on tracking your fitness activities and leading a healthy lifestyle, then a fitness tracker is the perfect choice. If you want a device that is much more versatile and can perform multiple functions, like sending texts or making calls, then a smartwatch may be the better option.

It is crucial to remember that both devices are beneficial and significantly improve people's health through the ability to self-monitor their health and activity level.

It is up to you to decide which features you are looking for in your wearable device based on your lifestyle and fitness goals.

We hope this comparison helped clear any questions you may have had on the differences between smartwatches and fitness trackers.


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